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Friday 28th of March 2025
Personal Income Tax For Remuneration Only
आर्थिक बर्ष   करदाताको किसिम   
दुर्गम क्षेत्र  
Annual Income
Salary (with Grade)
Over Time Payment
Entertainment and Transportation Allowances
Leave Pay
Prizes, Gifts
Payment for other Facilitations
Dearness Allowances
Cost of Living Allowances
Rent Allowances
Discharge or Reimbursements of personal Costs
Payment to the Agreement to any Conditions of the Employment (Section 8.2.d)
Payment for Redundancy or Loss or Termination of the Employment (Section 8.2.e)
Retirement Contributions and Retirement Payments (Section 8.2.f)
Fringe Benefit for Vehicle Facility (Section 27.1.b.1)
Fringe Benefit for House Facility (Section 27.1.b.2)
Fringe Benefit for Housekeeper, Chauffeur, Gardener, or other domestic Assistant (Section 27.1.c.1)
Fringe Benefit for any Meal, Refreshment, or Entertainment (Section 27.1.c.2)
Fringe Benefit for Drinking Water, Electricity, Telephone, and similar Utilities (Section 27.1.c.3)
Difference of actual Interest and Interest as per Market Rate in Case of a Soft Loan (Section 27.1.d)
Other Amounts to be included in remuneration (as per attached List)
Pension Income
Dashain Allowance
Dress Allowance
Remote Allowance
Annual Deduction
Employees Provident Fund
Citizen Investment Trust
Approved Retirement Fund
Social Security Fund
Total Retirement Fund
Life Insurance
Medical Insurance
Covid 19 Fund
House Insurance
Total (Addition/Income)(TI)
Total (Deduction)(DE)
Total Income(TI) minus(-) Total (Deduction)(DE)
Annual Medical Expenses
Medical TAX(15% of Medical Expenses)
Calculate Tax

*यो खेश्रा गणना हो ।

© Copyright: Inland Revenue Department, Nepal  
Last updated date: August 21, 2020